Crap in a Suitcase

Alright y’all. I’m about to start packing for Oklahoma. I usually pack for trips, right before I leave. Like 30 minutes before I leave. I just throw crap in a suitcase and hope for the best! I’d like to say, I take a bit more care with packing my son, but it’s not enough to actually count. I have one week to pack! I haven’t seen Hank in 9 weeks and I want to look good. But…apparently there are rules and such.

There’s not a whole lot out there except be conservative. And I by no means feel like I’m a flashionista {ha! you know where you can tell they have style but show a bit too much?} but I also don’t want to look boring. Every blog or post I read, the wives often learned things the hard way. I’d rather not embarrass the hubs or myself. So you see why I need a week now?!?!

Graduation outfit is done, other than some accessories. Super cute white, lace dress from Altar’d State {my new fave}. They were specific with dress code: Sunday best. Check.

Family Day is what’s killing me! Where’s my dress code for that? I have no idea what we actually do that day! I bought some cute cropped black linen pants but what kind of shoes? It’s Oklahoma. It’s hot. There’s dirt, right? There’s no way I’m wearing flip flops. Flats kill my feet. I love wedges, but A) I don’t want to look ridiculous and out of place B) how far are we walking? C) what’s the terrain on a base? Hmm…maybe some wedged sandals?

**Update from sweet military wife friend: dress comfortably! So I’m now thinking TOMS and skinnies? Maybe a {conservative} sundress?**

This is what I do. Anxiety has become second nature and I don’t like it. I’m working on it. My to do list is as follows…

1. Check with the wonderful military wife friends…duh, why did I just now think of this?

2. Treat this as an assignment. Document family day details for other military partners.

3. Actually pack. By outfits. You can do it Paige!

4. Obtain necessary documents, for flight and base.

I don’t want to worry at all about such superficial things while in Oklahoma. I want to be prepared and confident in the choices I made. I want to focus on Hank and our family the entire time. This is a test for me…If I put in the work upfront, will I experience less anxiety in this new social situation? We’ll see! I also feel like all my anxiety should be focused on traveling with a toddler. Good lawd! But I’ll save that post for a later date!

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